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Seedlings: Story Re-telling

During the months of December and January we have been practicing getting dressed in winter wear on a daily basis. The sequence and routine of getting dressed to go outdoors is always a seasonal challenge for toddlers. Not only are we learning to put on our boots but we are remembering to put on our snow pants before the boots. Books like “Froggy gets Dressed” are helpful to revisit as the children become more familiar with the sequence of getting ready.

A basket of doll clothes and a frog stuffed toy are located on the Practical Life shelf. The c[if gte vml 1]><v:shape id="_x0000_s1026" style='position:absolute;margin-left:164pt;margin-top:108.45pt; width:333pt;height:238.55pt;z-index:251657728;mso-wrap-distance-left:12pt; mso-wrap-distance-top:12pt;mso-wrap-distance-right:12pt; mso-wrap-distance-bottom:12pt;mso-position-horizontal:absolute; mso-position-horizontal-relative:page;mso-position-vertical:absolute; mso-position-vertical-relative:page' coordsize="21600,21600" wrapcoords="-49 2242 -49 21532 17805 21532 17805 2242 -49 2242" strokeweight="1pt"> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:\Users\PINEGC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpg" o:title="" croptop="-6833f" cropbottom="8455f" cropleft="6494f" cropright="-13047f"></v:imagedata> <w:wrap type="through" anchorx="page" anchory="page"></w:wrap> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]hildren have been getting the frog doll dressed up in all of his clothing. Often working with a teacher to sequence all of the clothing, starting with long underwear and socks is helpful for a child to begin this work. We have shared this activity in small groups, passing out clothing to each of the children in the circle. “Can you please hold on to the hat?” or “Can you hold on to the shoes?” we will ask, naming each article.

Practicing this activity has been enjoyable for the children as they begin to recognize the beginning, middle and ending of the story and the process of getting dressed.

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