Kindergarten: A Cultural Celebration of Australia
Good Day, Mates!
On a recent Thursday morning, the Kindergarten class celebrated the exciting continent and country of Australia. We learned all about Australia’s animals, geography, people, food, towns, and cities. The children baked a delicious Australian dessert, Strawberry Cream Bread, and we also sampled fruits that are grown in Australia’s hot climate. The class also made Australian flags and colored a map of Australia. Focus and joy could be seen on the children’s faces as they painted rocks using a dot style of painting from the indigenous people of Australia. Perhaps most exciting was when a teacher brought out a real didgeridoo and attempted to play it for the class!
Montessori education encourages young children to learn about the world and its many cultures as a way to promote world peace. If our littlest learners can empathize and understand the uniqueness of the world’s people, the hope is that they will grow into open-minded and accepting adults.