Seedlings: Music with Kate
This past week we were very excited to have a special guest in the Seedlings classroom. Kate Prideaux (from the Preschool classroom) will be coming to visit our class every Thursday at 10:15am for music time. Kate has been making music with our late care group every Wednesday and because the children love it so much, we are making it a part of our permanent schedule.
On Thursday morning, we ate snack and gathered on our carpet, waiting for Kate to come in. She entered with her green guitar and sat down with us. We started off by singing a “Hello” song and then sang a few favorites like the “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “Open Shut Them”, and “Row Your Boat”. All of the children clapped along with big smiles on their faces.
When our music time with Kate ended, she helped us transition into bathroom time and snow pants by inviting each child to come up and take a turn strumming the guitar strings. The children did a wonderful job being respectful and were very engaged throughout the fifteen minute period. We are excited to see what Kate has in store for us next week!