Seedlings: Self Care

As we begin to slide into winter, we are faced with new challenges in the Seedlings classroom; one being the new winter wardrobe. For a two year old, dressing in this winter wardrobe can be an extremely challenging task. A few of our friends have mastered the “flip” to get their coats on themselves, but adding snow pants makes it all the more challenging. We teach the “flip” early in the school year; the child lays their coat on the floor and stands behind it with their feet at the hood. They then put their arms into the holes, and flip over their heads.
Like any challenge we face, we are practicing and continuing to learn and build muscle strength. It is very important to help your child to do the work themselves. Playing dress up with winter clothes is a great activity for you to do with your children at home. We have a basket of clothing set up in our classroom just for this reason and the children are becoming masters at putting on their own mittens.
We work on self-care each day at school, from using the bathroom and washing our hands, to putting our slippers on in the morning. As we begin this new season, we encourage parents to provide labeled clothing that is easy for the child to put on independently. Providing this type of clothing with assist in our children’s goal of “help me to do it myself”.