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Seedlings Update

The first few weeks of school are behind us already and our

seedlings are growing immensely.

They have just started learning how to prepare their own

snacks and how to compost, which is something that we will

continue to work on throughout the year. So far, the children

have assisted in cutting apples and bananas as well as peeling

clementines. They have shown great focus when cutting the

fruit and really enjoy helping out. This lesson not only teaches

the class how to prepare the food we eat, but also gives us the

opportunity to learn about and try new foods.

We began composting with clementine peels. All of the

children gathered around and each child brought a piece of

peel to the compost bucket. Once the clementines were peeled,

we placed them on our snack time serving tray. After washing

our hands, they picked out napkins and waited patiently to sing

our snack time song “For the Golden Corn”. The children have

really begun to associate the song with the beginning of snack

time. Snack time has become a sacred time where the children

sit at a family style table and take pride in knowing they helped

prepare the food that they eat.

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