Dr. Maria Montessori studied the development of children and created a theory of education based on the premise that children are inherently self-motivated learners. She believed that this quality could best be nurtured and developed in a carefully prepared environment that supports active learning with hands-on materials and which empowers the child's capabilities and competencies. In such an environment, children develop self- esteem, independence, and a love for learning that provides a solid foundation for their entire school experience and stays with them throughout their lives.

Children long to do "real" work. They want to participate in family life and help care for themselves and their environment. Montessori helps meet these needs to give your child a strong basis in their most formative years for
developing into a well rounded, responsible, happy adult.
Dr. Maria Montessori, the first woman to graduate from medical school, at the University of
Rome in Italy, recognized that the most important years in the development of a child's
character and intellect are the first six years of life. She pioneered the theory that during
those years children progress through sensitive periods. During these periods, or stages,
children have an acute ability to develop specific concepts and skills. Materials in a
Montessori classroom are specifically designed to facilitate such sequential learning
through concrete, individualized experiences.
Montessori teachers are specifically trained to conduct ongoing observations of each
child. Such observation enables teachers to support each child's specific development
based on his or her interests, strengths, needs, and learning styles. In so doing, teachers
act as guides, and children become active agents of their own learning. Children develop
interests and sensibilities and gain knowledge through independent work choices.
Maria Montessori was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work in Peace Education.
Pine Grove is actively devoted to teaching her principles of respect, grace and courtesy that are
common to all cultures.
For more information please visit, American Montessori Society