This classroom is for 3 - 6 year old children and includes the full Montessori curriculum for a strong literacy program, extensive cultural themes, science and seasonal explorations.

The schedules in this classroom are Monday - Friday morning or full day, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday morning or full day, Monday/Wednesday/Friday morning or full day or Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday morning or full day.
A 3 - 6 year old will be appropriately placed in this program. Children who are 5 or 6 years old by October 15 of the following year can successfully progress to First Grade if developmentally ready.
Class Size
Maximum 24 children in the morning dropping to 20 in the afternoon.
Approximate 8:1 ratio with 3 teachers depending on exact enrollment.
Classroom, Circle Time & Curriculum
The traditional 5-day schedule permits full Montessori curriculum. Students have a 3 hour uninterrupted morning work cycle, during which children explore Montessori materials and receive lessons from our Montessori trained lead teachers. The morning work time concludes with a whole group circle time which rotates between literacy, music, Spanish, and Peace themes.