Seedlings: Our New Playground
Spring is here on the Seedlings newly renovated playground and we are feeling so excited to be back outside on a regular basis. We have...

Seedlings: The Pink Cubes and Broad Stairs
The Pink Cubes and Broad Stairs are two materials from the Sensorial Area that can be used for matching, sequencing and grading. In this...

Seedlings: Toddlers and Purposeful Work
“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self. Adults work to finish a task, but the child works in order to...

Seedlings: Community Building
In the classroom we have been busy expanding our social circles and learning the joys of helping friends. Kindergarten readers are now...

Seedlings: Story Re-telling
During the months of December and January we have been practicing getting dressed in winter wear on a daily basis. The sequence and...

Seedlings: Developing a Sense of Time
We recently celebrated our first birthday circle with the group in the Seedlings classroom. At first circle we entered the classroom and...

Seedlings: Friends Learn by Watching
What does a child get from just “Watching”? As parents we want to see our child as part of the group, actively in the mix. But there...

Seedlings: Establishing a Sense of Order
At first glance, the Practical Life Area allows a child to work independently using their hands to grasp objects and transfer items into...

Seedlings: Start of the Year
During the first few weeks of school we have been singing the song, “Five Little Ducks”. This song allows children to practice a finger...

Seedlings: “What’s in that Nest?”
Earlier this month we discovered a bird nest in our Critter Cabin; we were excited to show the children and teach them about the bird who...