Seedlings: Readers in the Seedlings Classroom
Over the past two months, kids from the Kindergarten class have been visiting our room once a week to read books to the toddlers. This...

Seedlings: Learning about Animal Adaptations
In the classroom we have been learning about how animals adapt to the changes of winter. We have been singing a new song about...

Seedlings: The Outdoor Classroom
Recently we went for a walk in the pine grove with a group of Seedlings. As we walked along the path we noticed several signs of activity...

Seedlings: Pretend Play
“Pretend play combines two wondrous and uniquely human characteristics- the capacity for fantasy and capacity for, and need to, make...

Seedlings: The Practical Life Area
Over the past weeks the children have been exploring new works in the Practical Life area of the classroom. Activities like zippering...

Seedlings: The Practical Life Area
"To give children freedom and be watchful and ready is not easy, but we must be prepared to do all this." Maria Montessori Over the past...

Seedlings: What Does Conflict Resolution Look Like on the Playground?
“True peace...suggests the triumph of justice and love among men; it reveals the existence of a better world where harmony reigns.” Maria...

Seedlings: Teaching Social Graces
“We must teach the children the elements of social behavior so their interest is aroused, and as a consequence, their attention directed...

Seedlings: Springtime Planting
Recently, on a warm sunny day together, the children had the opportunity to plant marigolds on the playground. Klara arranged the outdoor...

Seedlings: Dramatic Play
“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.” -Maria...