Preschool: Green Eggs and Ham
This month, in the Preschool classroom, we have been celebrating the birthday of beloved children’s book author and illustrator Dr....

Preschool: Spindle Boxes
“One, two, three, four…five!” a child proudly counted five spindles, one at a time into her hand and placed them in the box. She...

Preschool: The Moveable Alphabet
Typically at this time of year we begin to see more activity in the classroom with the moveable alphabet from the Language area. This...

Preschool: Should I Share My Ice Cream?
In the Preschool classroom, our Peace curriculum includes peace with self, peace with others and peace with the environment. At this...

Preschool: Outdoor Clothing
“Snow pants, boots, coat and hat, coat and hat. Snow pants, boots, coat and hat, coat and hat. The last things we put on are our mittens...

Preschool: Turkey, Turkey, Where’s Your Egg?
“Turkey, turkey, where’s your egg? Somebody took it from your nest. Guess who?” the children sang with delight on a Thursday afternoon...

Preschool: Plants and Animals
Our science curriculum begins with an introduction to living and non-living things. The children learn that living things need air, water...

Preschool: Oral Storytelling
During literacy circle, one of the Preschool teachers presented the beloved story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The book...

Preschool: The Multiage Classroom
“Hey, can I play too?” a curious three-year old boy asked an older friend. “Sure!” the older boy, age 4.5 in his second year in the...

Preschool: Letter Sounds
“Aaa…aaa…apple” a child enthusiastically volunteered to match a toy apple to the letter “a” during a literacy presentation. The children...