Preschool: Letter Sound Books
In Montessori education, letters are introduced by phonetic sounds rather than letter names. The children learn the sound each letter...

Preschool: Foods of Italy
In the Preschool classroom, we are currently studying the beautiful country of Italy. We have been discussing and exploring many of the...

Preschool: Food Prep
The school smelled of crispy home fries and the Preschool children were eager to try a taste of their culinary creation. Days prior to...

Preschool: Play Dough Snow People
Play dough has become a staple in the art area of our classroom. We have observed this material to be soothing for many children. There...

Preschool: Snakes and Ladders
“One, two, three, four, five,” the child said as she moved her game piece along the squares of a game board. “Your turn!” she exclaimed...

Preschool: Visual Discrimination
“Green, yellow, orange… green, yellow, orange,” a child whispered to herself as she carefully placed each bead on a pipe cleaner. The...

Preschool: Butterfly Wonder
“Look, a butterfly!” a very excited child showed her mother the beautiful monarch butterfly, which had hatched from it’s chrysalis...

Preschool: New Beginnings
“How do I do this?” a three-year old boy, a new student, asked a four-year old girl, returning to the preschool classroom for her second...

Preschool: Nature Exploration
In celebration of Earth Day, some of the children, during afternoon enrichment, painted recycled toilet paper rolls to make into “nature...

Preschool: The Umbrella Queen
“Who remembers which country we are studying?” a teacher inquired to the children. One child raised his hand and proudly shared,...