Pre-Primary: The biggest puzzle cube…the Trinomial Cube
Some of the quintessential Montessori works in the classroom are the puzzle cubes. They are found in the Sensorial area and vary in...

Pre-Primary: Making Music...
Many sounds and noises can be heard in the Pre-Primary classroom during a morning work-time; friends visiting with one another as they...

Pre-Primary: Gong Hei Fat Choy! A Wish of Prosperity in the Chinese New Year…
We have been studying China for two months in our Cultural Area. We have read stories, made kites and lanterns and colored our own books...

Pre-Primary: Bananas Taste Better When They Are Sliced
Fruits and vegetables are a regular part of the classroom snack each day. Most of the children eat different types of each; bananas are...

Pre-Primary: One, two, three....three spindles!
As children practice counting, they begin to recognize that one object represents the quantity of one. Rote counting is very different,...

Pre-Primary: Snowflakes…
The first snowflakes fell from the sky recently. Children ran to the windows to watch, others rushed to nearby teachers, calling out...

Pre-Primary: Collaging and Creating….
We have many artists in the Pre-Primary classroom this year, twenty-two artists to be precise. Each child creates images, designs,...

Pre-Primary: s, m, t....
As the children get settled in the classroom, many of the second year children have begun to ask for specific lessons with the teachers. ...

Pre-Primary: Creating a Practical Life Work
“This is a mess!” A child from our class picked up a branch with some twigs on the end and began to sweep pine needles into a pile. He...

Pre-Primary: Make New Friends
As the first weeks of school come to an end, the children are discovering not only the works on the shelves, but also each other. So...