Pre-Primary: Goldilocks and the Three Bears…With Instruments
The children have been learning about the instruments of the orchestra at their weekly music circles. At one music circle, they played...

Pre-Primary: Celebrating Canada
During March, each classroom has a celebration in honor of the country they are currently studying. Pre-Primary celebrated Canada. The...

Pre-Primary: Pin-punching…
The Language area is a busy area for reasons beyond the works; it is a favorite area to socialize. Works such as pin-punching and metal...

Pre-Primary: The Falmouth Food Pantry
For our winter Community Outreach, the Pre-Primary class has been collecting goods for the Falmouth Food Pantry. So many items have...

Pre-Primary: “What does ‘tire’ begin with?”
As we return to school after a long break, the children are bursting with energy and the need for new challenges. Appearing on the...

Pre-Primary: The Kindness Jar...
Kindness has been a focus at circle time over the last month. We have read books about how to be kind, practiced how to speak kindly to...

Pre-Primary: A Letter A Day…
Debbie has begun presenting letters at circle. Each day, we see the letter, hear what sound that letter makes, practice sky writing the...

Pre-Primary: So many math works, so little time…
Currently, the Math area is full of simple activities and works. Puzzles in this area involve putting the numerals in order based on the...

Pre-Primary: The first days of school…
The first days of school are filled with excitement and uncertainty. Everything is new, from people to activities to eating snack; we...

Pre-Primary: Literacy and Culture…The Crocodile and the Ostrich
Every Thursday at second circle, the children participate in a literacy circle with Luda. This includes shared reading, introduction to...