October Montessori Message
In an America where one of today’s slogans is “Make America kind again”, the virtue of kindness is forefront in many of our minds. And...

September Montessori Message
This was originally sent out to parents in September of 2015 but I thought it was so appropriate for our first Montessori message for the...

November Montessori Message
I came across this article while at my chiropractor’s office this week. It is simply written, with a simple message, and I wanted to...

September Montessori Message
September 2019 One of the most important goals for your child here at Pine Grove is to help them achieve independence: in their self-help...

March Montessori Message
There is nothing more rewarding to me as a parent as when I witness my child initiating a purposeful activity and seeing the pure joy he...

Raising a Thankful Child
Raising a Thankful Child By Julie A. Reiss From NAEYC for Families As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, we may find ourselves...

How to Discipline your Children Without Rewards or Punishment
It is very tempting to use rewards and punishments when disciplining your child, especially since they often do work in the short-term. ...

The Lesson in Practical Life Skills
Ahhhhh, Practical Life, the heart of the Montessori classroom……. The Practical Life area of the Montessori classroom is much more than...

The Montessori Approach to Reading, Composition, and Literature
Language development as well as children’s reading and writing readiness occurs throughout the Montessori curriculum. Across the...

Liberty and Discipline in the Montessori Classroom
As a Montessori school director, I come into contact with many families new to Montessori education. Those families usually fall into...