Preschool: Play Dough Snow People
Play dough has become a staple in the art area of our classroom. We have observed this material to be soothing for many children. There...

Pre-Primary: Feelings…
A large part of a young child’s learning is social and emotional. They spend a great deal of time trying to understand how they are...

Kindergarten: Peace Education in a Montessori Classroom
Every Monday at the end of our work morning, our class gathers together for a peace circle. Throughout the year, we learn how to be...

Kindergarten: Class Surveys
Recently, survey taking has captured the interest of many children in the classroom. A great learning experience for both the survey...

Seedlings: The Practical Life Area
Over the past weeks the children have been exploring new works in the Practical Life area of the classroom. Activities like zippering...

Pre-Primary: “I Spy…”
Before identifying letters by name or by sound, the children are taught to isolate sounds, or phonemes, without the letter symbol. One...

Preschool: Snakes and Ladders
“One, two, three, four, five,” the child said as she moved her game piece along the squares of a game board. “Your turn!” she exclaimed...