Seedlings: Montessori Sensitive Period for Small Objects
“It is this sensibility [sensitive periods] which enables a child to come into contact with the external world in a particularly intense...

Pre-Primary: Preparing for the auction…
As the Pine Grove auction approaches, the Pre-Primary class has been preparing our contribution. We have been learning about Germany and...

Preschool: Green Eggs and Ham
This month, in the Preschool classroom, we have been celebrating the birthday of beloved children’s book author and illustrator Dr....

Kindergarten: The Movable Alphabet
The Movable Alphabet is one of Maria Montessori’s original works that she created for the classroom. Consisting of individual, wooden...

Kindergarten: A Sip of Tea…..
February is not the easiest month in Maine, is it? We have had more indoor recess days than we all care to count, the days feel long and...

March Montessori Message
There is nothing more rewarding to me as a parent as when I witness my child initiating a purposeful activity and seeing the pure joy he...

Pre-Primary: The first day back from vacation…
The Monday after February vacation had a feeling of calm, despite the indoor drop-off. Kids wandered into the classroom and chose toys...

Preschool: Spindle Boxes
“One, two, three, four…five!” a child proudly counted five spindles, one at a time into her hand and placed them in the box. She...

Seedlings: Color Matching
Toddlers have a natural desire to make sense of their world and are attracted to activities like matching. By practicing matching a child...