Pre-Primary: Getting Dressed to Go Outside…
With the arrival of snow and winter, comes outdoor, winter gear. The cubbies are bursting with heavy coats, snow pants, boots, hats and...

Seedlings: Building a Snowman
At first circle the children gather to sing songs and see a presentation. Recently we have been singing songs about winter and snow. This...

Preschool: Outdoor Clothing
“Snow pants, boots, coat and hat, coat and hat. Snow pants, boots, coat and hat, coat and hat. The last things we put on are our mittens...

Kindergarten: Class Meeting
Recently, the Kindergarten class participated in a class meeting on a Tuesday morning. The purpose of the class gathering together was to...

Raising a Thankful Child
Raising a Thankful Child By Julie A. Reiss From NAEYC for Families As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, we may find ourselves...

Seedlings: The Practical Life Area
In the Practical Life area there are activities arranged to allow children to make independent work choices. On each tray is a complete...

Preschool: Turkey, Turkey, Where’s Your Egg?
“Turkey, turkey, where’s your egg? Somebody took it from your nest. Guess who?” the children sang with delight on a Thursday afternoon...

Pre-Primary: Learning about the World…
The globes came out on the geography shelf; they are intriguing as a part of our birthday circles, a representation of our earth and of...

Kindergarten: 10 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Do Chores
A favorite Montessori blog, Trillium Montessori, recently posted a helpful list of ideas to encourage children to help around the home....