Seedlings: The Pink Cubes and Broad Stairs
The Pink Cubes and Broad Stairs are two materials from the Sensorial Area that can be used for matching, sequencing and grading. In this...

Preschool: Scrubbing
It was quite clear that a four-year old boy knew exactly which work he wanted to begin his morning. He went right over to the practical...

Pre-Primary: Celebrating Canada
During March, each classroom has a celebration in honor of the country they are currently studying. Pre-Primary celebrated Canada. The...

Kindergarten: Journey to Thailand
This past week the Kindergarten class celebrated the culture of Thailand. We learned how to say hello in Thai, studied where Thailand is...

Kindergarten: A Visit from a Dentist!
Recently our Science curriculum moved from the study of plants to the study of health and nutrition. Luckily for our classroom, one of...

Pre-Primary: Pin-punching…
The Language area is a busy area for reasons beyond the works; it is a favorite area to socialize. Works such as pin-punching and metal...

Preschool: Collaboration
“Wow!” a child exclaimed as a teacher helped him remove his stencil after he carefully sponge painted a bright green on top. Revealed was...

Seedlings: Toddlers and Purposeful Work
“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self. Adults work to finish a task, but the child works in order to...