Seedlings: Friends Learn by Watching
What does a child get from just “Watching”? As parents we want to see our child as part of the group, actively in the mix. But there...

Preschool: Story Time
“Maybe he is not a good swimmer like me, thought Rabbit, and he jumped into the river and swam to the other side. But as he pulled...

Pre-Primary: A Letter A Day…
Debbie has begun presenting letters at circle. Each day, we see the letter, hear what sound that letter makes, practice sky writing the...

Kindergarten: The Sound Cylinders
Recently, the sound cylinders were presented to the class as a new work whose purpose is to refine the child’s sense of hearing. The...

Seedlings: Establishing a Sense of Order
At first glance, the Practical Life Area allows a child to work independently using their hands to grasp objects and transfer items into...

Preschool: Snack Time
“One, two, three.. four”, a three-year-old child was overheard quietly saying as she counted four carrots onto her plate. As she...

Pre-Primary: So many math works, so little time…
Currently, the Math area is full of simple activities and works. Puzzles in this area involve putting the numerals in order based on the...

Kindergarten: A Child’s Mathematical Mind
“I’m going to teach my friend the biggest math work in the room!” a returning student declared during the first week of school. This work...