Kindergarten: A Cultural Celebration of Australia
Good Day, Mates! On a recent Thursday morning, the Kindergarten class celebrated the exciting continent and country of Australia. We...

Seedlings: Learning Colors with Flowers
As a special project for St. Patrick’s Day, the Seedlings class decided to do some experimenting with white daisies and food coloring....

Pre-Primary: Can you help me, please?
As the winter season comes to a close (hopefully!), one of the most obvious skill sets that has developed with each of the children is...

Preschool: The Parts of a Flower
As part of our current Botany study in science, we are focusing on flowers. Holly brought in an array of flowers to show the children...

Seedlings: Recycling Can Make the Best Work
Throughout the year in the Seedlings classroom we are constantly preparing the environment including rotating works on the shelves. Some...

Pre-Primary: Making Music...
Many sounds and noises can be heard in the Pre-Primary classroom during a morning work-time; friends visiting with one another as they...

Kindergarten: The 100th Day of School
“Let’s count how many days left until the 100th day of school!” Every morning at circle time, inevitably, a child would make this request...

Preschool: The Water Cycle
“The rain goes into the brook, the brook goes into the stream, the stream goes into the river all the way out to the sea. The sea goes...

The Montessori Approach to Reading, Composition, and Literature
Language development as well as children’s reading and writing readiness occurs throughout the Montessori curriculum. Across the...